Monday, December 15, 2014
Making Cookies
Over the weekend I got to make cookies for Christmas. We made at least about 6 different cookies, plus banana nut bread, buckeyes, and fudge. My mom made 4 loafs of bread. We really took all day Saturday and half the day Sunday to finally finish the cookies. There was peanut butter blossoms, Neimes Marcus, white macdamia nut, turtles, snowballs, and traditional cut out cookies. It was exhausting but I admit it was a lot of fun to do. I'm happy that I got to spend time with my family.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Special Thing
The one special thing I can do is shoot a basketball. All you need to do is have your legs shoulder width apart. Make sure to use your dominant hand. Whatever hand you don't, that will be your guide hand. Bring the ball to about your ear. Make sure your elbow is at a 90 degree angle. Have balance. Bend your knees, but not too much. Then just extend your arm and follow through. That's pretty much how you shoot a basketball. I think the only reason you should know how to do this is because if you're interested in playing basketball that you should know the basic in how to shoot.
Monday, December 1, 2014
My Four Day Weekend
My four day weekend was pretty good. I went to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving Thursday. I got to see all my cousins which was nice. Then on Friday I went out with my dad to do grocery shopping. It took about four hours. Later on, I just watched movies and talked on the phone with my friend until 4 in the morning. Saturday I watched the Ohio State vs Michigan game. It was a pretty good game with Ohio winning in the end. I went back home to my mom's Saturday night. I saw Mocking Jay with Hope. Then I spent the night at Amanda's. Went to the movies again Sunday and spent the whole day with her. My four day weekend was really good and I had a good time.
Monday, November 24, 2014
I believe Thanksgiving is the time to cherish being with your family and friends. You should just appreciate all they have done for you. Be grateful for what you have in your life. I love spending time with my family. I get to go to my dad's for Thanksgiving and spend it on his side of the family. Before I go though, I usually spend some time with my mom and her side of the family. I love all the food that they make too. I usually eat ham and a lot of side dishes. I don't think I really eat a special kind of food. I really don't think there is a tradition on Thanksgiving. I believe we celebrate Thanksgiving to show how we should be thankful for everything that they people around us have done. To show them how we should be blessed for all they have done to make us happy in any way.
Monday, November 17, 2014
New Technology
If I had to choose a new technology, I would choose the new laptop where the keyboard is portable and it's also a touch screen. I think it's pretty cool. I don't know what the name of it is though... Anyways, I would use it both for school related stuff and for my own use. It would be very helpful in school. I think it would be cool to use for my own as well. I find the device very neat.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Being Honest
When it comes to being honest, it usually means not to lie. I'm sure you can lie every now and then. When it comes to major things you should never lie about and just tell the truth. I don't ever recall lying to where I can get something. I would just tell the reason why I want it, ridiculous or not. When it comes to lying though, I would probably have to say that I lie about a couple times a week. I have lied to friends before, teachers, and even my parents. I just didn't think I could trust them enough or I didn't want to get into trouble. I mean, it's important to be honest at all times, but the truth can hurt, so that's why people lie. I'm sure everyone can admit they have lied every so often. I wouldn't think anyone could say they are always honest. You just have to be willing to tell the truth, rather it'd be bad or good for you or the other person.
Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
Legacy Days
So last Thursday and Friday or October 16th and 17th, my school had legacy days. Legacy days is just a whole bounding experience between the whole school body. Their were a lot of fun activities where we were in small groups with people we don't usually socialize with. We got to listen to other people's stories and how they became strong through out the entire experience. At one point it got really emotional and intense. We learned new things about one another that you thought you would never notice in a person. I took the last two days to heart and it changed me as a person. I would never forget Legacy Days. It's a experience I would never forget.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Fall Homecoming 2014
I have to say that this year's homecoming was very fun and exciting. I got to be introduced as part of the Varsity volleyball team. My class got to play Ships and Sailors. I unfortunately got eliminated. When the cheerleaders did their dance, I thought it was pretty cool. Except that fact that one of the cheerleaders almost fell, that was pretty scary! I thought the shirtless crew was outstanding. The dancing men were very funny too. I had a lot of fun at this year's pep assembly. I can't wait to see what my last one will be like!
Monday, October 6, 2014
I actually like fall. It's nice and cool outside. The leaves start to fall off of the trees which I think is beautiful. I don't really do a lot in the fall. I'm in volleyball right now. I like going to the Friday night football games. When it's fall, it means that basketball is getting closer. I love to play basketball. I like Halloween. I get to decorate my house and I believe I'm going treat-or-tricking this year. I think fall is a really pretty season but my favorite would have to be spring.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
About Me
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
My feelings towards blogging
I guess to me, blogging is alright. I mean I don't hate it or like it. Blogs can be helpful though. I just don't believe there's really anything exciting about it. It's my first time blogging and got to be honest here, it isn't that fun. That's all I really have to say about blogging.
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